Hello again, readers! It’s been a while, but soon we will once again enter the world of comic book horror with the mercifully short run of Extreme Justice, a mid-’90s spin-off of the Justice League comic, which, if my understanding is correct, was inadequately extreme. I figured I would give a little bit of information about what the heck this book even is before diving right into it.
Extreme Justice starts with Captain Atom getting fed up with the JLA around the time Ice died and decided to form his own team. That’s about the only explanation I can find anywhere, though it actually doesn’t make any sense in-universe since the first issue of Extreme Justice was released in January 1995, though both Captain Atom and Blue Beetle appeared to be a part of the JLA during the “Way of the Warrior” storyline in Guy Gardner: Warrior, which started in July 1995. In fairness, I am probably the only person on Earth who has spent any amount of time trying to piece together both the Extreme Justice and Guy Gardner: Warrior timelines, so I guess I can’t blame them for not worrying about it too much.
As far as the team itself went, the roster had a pretty good mix of old and new. A few more people joined up along the way but the starting team consisted of the following members: Continue reading →